SRD college, Allahabad has entered into the 7th year of glorious service to the Nation. Tthe Institution was built and its character shaped due to the endless efforts put by the founder and associate staff of the college. Many dedicated teachers as well as generations of brilliant students contribute to its success story.
Leaving their legacy behind are a galaxy of illustrious alumni. The College is known as much for its academic standing and leadership building as it is for social commitment. Besides, the unseen touch of the Almighty has always been felt and spoken of by generations of students and teachers.
Today the College has around 2000 students and over 30 faculty members serving in 10 departments. It is a matter of pride that the institution is ranked among the Top Ten Liberal Arts and Science Colleges in Allahabad. The 15 acre salubrious, idyllic campus with its rare, diverse flora and fauna is a great joy to live in.